Saturday, October 25, 2014

Review 2 - Second Cup: La Manita

Today I will be reviewing Second Cup : La Minita Tarrazù.
This coffee is exclusive to Second Cup in Canada and is one of my favorite brews.  At 14.95 for 312g is it moderately priced.  The bean is grown and picked in Costa Rica and is a light roast.
As with most coffee I drink it has been prepared using filtered water and brewed in a French press.
The freshly ground coffee brings forward a fruity and earthy scent.  Once brewed more of the earthy tones come out.
This brew is rather light.  It creates a light yellow brown coffee when poured alone.
Taste is mild with medium acidity.  With some cream some of the acidity goes away and you are left with a pleasant mild coffee.  I find this to be rather mild in flavor but a very easy drinking brew.  The acidity in this coffee matched with the flavor gives of citrus notes.  Let this coffee linger in your mouth and breathe out of your nose and you will be greeted with fantastic flavor.
The finish lingers for a bit leaving citrusy fruit.
Here again I go reviewing one of my favorite coffees.  I am not sure of the availability in the US but this can be found in any Second Cup coffee shop.  Till next time thanks for reading!

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